Welcome to The Healthy Habits Club! My name is Emma, and I'm a 25-year-old living just north of London.

I've always had a passion for health and wellness, and I've been committed to following a vegan lifestyle for the past 7 years. When I'm not working, you can find me exploring new places, trying out new recipes, or curating a sleek and minimalist home and wardrobe. I'm particularly drawn to the neutral aesthetic, and I love finding ways to incorporate it into my daily life.

As a self-employed marketing professional, I create content for brands' social media platforms and share glimpses of my life on my own social media accounts under the name Just Em's Life. Here, I share my love for vegan cooking, health, and wellness with my followers.

Thank you for stopping by The Healthy Habits Club. I hope you find inspiration and enjoyment on my blog as we explore healthier, more sustainable, and plant based living together.